Looking after our bodies during lockdown - A guest blog by Purus Active - Part 2


Looking after our bodies during lockdown Part Two – Movement

If you’ve managed to increase your step count over your normal averages throughout the pandemic – enormous well done.  Most of us, despite reasonable efforts have seen a dramatic decrease.  And like most things in life, it’s the little changes that accumulate to change the overall picture.  No walk to the train station, no popping out for that mid-morning coffee, even the walk from your desk to the loo has reduced, and this all equates to more sedentary time. So, if you can change one thing today, make a pact to yourself to move more. 

As mentioned in Part one most desk-based injuries are accumulative so break up the immobility with ‘movement snacks’ aim to stand every 40-60 minutes, even if its just for a few seconds. Below are some simple desk-based stretches, but please reach out if you are struggling with pain before you do these:

Chair based stretches

Interlace your fingers and place your hands on the back of your neck, extend backwards whilst supporting the head and neck. This helps to extend your upper back and shoulders – hold for 10-15 seconds.

Reach your arms up above your head with your fingers interlaced, simply bend over to the right you should feel a stretch of the left side of your body, repeat bending to the left.  Hold each position for 15 seconds.

Place your right ankle across your left thigh/knee. Sit tall, keeping the back straight, fold forwards from the hips.  You should feel a stretch in your hip and buttock. Hold for 10-15 seconds, repeat with the opposite leg. 


Aim to look 20 yards away, every 20 minutes for 20 seconds.  This helps to reduce stress on our eyes, minimising eye strain and headaches.


There are many things we aim to implement that work in theory but not in practice. We generally have a good idea of what we need to do but the execution is the hardest part. Create some non-negotiables in your day that are achievable so that they will soon become habits. They say it takes 21 days to form a habit and 90 days for that habit to become a lifestyle.

Go out for a walk before work, at lunch or after work.  Break up your environment.

Movement snacks – stand up, just for a few seconds but do this regularly throughout the day.

Aim for an achievable exercise routine. We don’t need to leave lockdown as Olympic champions.

If you need any further guidance or assistance reach out via email – Info@purusactivehealth.com or on Instagram Purus_Active. We also offer video consults if people wish to seek further information whether it be regarding aches and pains or ergonomics.