How lymphatic drainage massage benefits the human body

You have probably heard all about lymphatic drainage massage. Celebrities are having it done, you may have seen before and after photos on Instagram, and if you have visited somewhere offering treatments, you might have seen it on their list of services. But what is lymphatic drainage all about, and how can it benefit your body inside and out? 

At LondonCryo, we offer treatments for lymphatic drainage in the UK, and we have the answers to those questions.

What happens during a lymphatic drainage massage?

If you have read about what happens during a massage, and what treatments are on offer already, then we will make this quick. However, if you haven’t, you should check out our other blog posts on lymphatic drainage massage. To put it simply, it is a light massage technique that targets the lymphatic system. The idea is to drain the lymph nodes and remove blockages which then removes toxins.

How does this type of massage benefit the human body?

You will have seen celebrities and treatment centers posting the amazing before and after pictures of a more contoured-looking abdomen, etc. But, there are so many benefits that the massage can offer, more than just less bloating. We are going to cover some of the benefits for your overall health.

  • Ease painful conditions - A gentle massage like this can help with a variety of conditions that can cause pain. Some examples are lymphedema and fibromyalgia. It helps with these conditions because the massage can move fluid blockages which helps with lymphedema pain and because it can help to gently reduce pain and stiffness, the symptoms of fibromyalgia can be eased. There are many other conditions where a massage can help ease the symptoms.

  • Help improve your well-being - Insomnia, stress, anxiety. All of these can severely impact your well-being and how you cope with everyday life. While a massage cannot solve all of your problems, it can help you feel more relaxed, and your body will feel healthier once the treatment is complete. 

  • Perfect for post-surgery - If you have had surgery due to a medical condition or it was cosmetic, a lymphatic drainage massage can help. The massage technique can assist with any swelling that you may experience.

  • Helps with skin disorders - Skin disorders can be both painful and damaging to self-confidence, and if you are struggling with the symptoms of rosacea, acne, eczema, and more this type of massage can help. Puffiness will be reduced, and because it is gentle, it won’t inflame the skin. Overall you feel more relaxed, and the skin will be calmer.

As you can see there are many benefits to lymphatic drainage massage, and there is so much more to how it can benefit the human body other than just cosmetically. To read more about our services at LondonCryo or to book an appointment, please visit our treatment pages. Our team is always here to help, and we offer some of the best treatments for lymphatic drainage in the UK. 

Our Cryotherapy service as well as infrared saunas and lymphatic drainage, red light photobiomodulation therapy, compression therapy, Cryofacials, slimming, toning and double chin services, IV drips are all available to book in our locations – LondonCryo City (located in Liverpool Street) and LondonCryo Belgravia (situated near the suburbs of Chelsea) and St Johns Wood High Street, St Johns Wood.

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