Hello Korina


Korina has recently joined the team at LondonCryo, Belgravia. She has over 14 years experience as an athlete in the martial arts world, practising kickboxing and Taekwondo. She is also a qualified Personal Trainer.

So as we welcome her to the team we thought you would be interested in a few quick fire Q&A’s from our resident black belt!

1. So are you found most these days on the dojo or in the gym?

Since I moved to London, 2 years ago, I fell in love with weight lifting but kickboxing will always be my first love. I have spent my whole childhood doing it and as a professional, too.

2. What one tip can you give our clients to help with their recovery from exercise?

Stress less, make sure you get proper rest, keep moving and stay hydrated!

3. How do you approach nutrition?

I like to keep things simple. As long as they have 3 main nutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates), how it looks on the plate doesn't bother me. I always remind myself that excuses will not get me to my goals but being consistent will. I strongly believe in a balanced life and I try to maintain balanced diet as part of this.

4. What are your favourite fitness brands?

Nike, Vaara and Gymshark are my go to brands. Also Equinox gym’s too, especially E St James!

5. What is your favourite LondonCryo treatment and why?

Cryotherapy is definitely my favourite treatment so far. During the treatment itself, I wasn't thinking about anything, my thoughts were right here, I was in the moment. For those 3 minutes your brain stops. The only thing you are focused is that cold breeze your body is exposed to. After the treatment I had a tickling feeling running through my whole body, especially my legs. Then you realise, I have just spent 3 minutes in -130C°!! It blew my mind. Endorphin levels go up, skin feels tighter and I slept better that night. I believe in long term benefits of this treatment.

Come in to Belgravia and say hi to Korina and the team to discuss all your sports recovery and wellness needs. #londoncryo #reinventingcool