How IV Hydration Therapy Can boost your Immune System & Keep You Healthy

Your immune system is in charge of fighting off illness and disease every day. Most of the time your body reacts well, and you don’t get sick. However, there are times when you pick viruses up, such as a cold. This can be just one of those things, or your immune system may not be as strong as it should be due to many factors such as stress, diet, or vitamin deficiencies.  

With that in mind, some are choosing to boost their immune. You can do this in different ways by keeping hydrated and getting enough sleep, but you can also try IV hydration therapy. This ensures that all the vitamins and minerals your body needs are absorbed. Nothing goes to waste, and having the correct number of vitamins and minerals in your body keeps your immune strong.  

If IV drips for the immune system are something you are interested in, then read on to find out how they help boost your immune and how they keep you strong and fighting fit.   

  • Cleanses Toxins – When you have IV vitamin therapy, it will get rid of harmful toxins in your body. These toxins can occur naturally, or they can occur because of other factors such as pollution, or smoking. However, they find a way in your body, these toxins can make your immune system weaker, and over time other illnesses can be caused.  

  • Detoxify – IV hydration therapy can detoxify you because antioxidants are flowing around your body which in turn strengthens the immune, and gets rid of those harmful toxins. This type of therapy ensures that all the good antioxidants such as Vitamin C are completely absorbed because they go straight to your bloodstream.  

  • Top Up of Vitamins and Minerals – If you are deficient in some vitamins and minerals, it can weaken your immune. Many know this and take vitamin tablets, however; you should know that you don’t absorb even 50% of the vitamins in those tablets. The remaining vitamins are then wasted. As IV therapy goes straight to the bloodstream, this won’t happen.  

  • More Electrolytes – This type of therapy also gives your body much-needed electrolytes. These then keep your body hydrated, nourished, and your immune system stays strong.  

  • Boosts Lymphatic System – IV Hydration therapy will stop your body from feeling the effects of dehydration. This in turn boosts your lymphatic system so it can remove toxins, and more. When you do not drink enough this system can’t work efficiently so your immune isn’t as fast-acting when exposed to illness.  

So, now you know IV drips for the immune system keep you healthy and strong. If you are interested in this treatment, then contact the LondonCryo team today. We offer IV vitamin therapy in the UK, and we have lots of different treatments available so, make sure you take a look at the website. Every treatment takes place in one of our beautiful clinics, with an expertly trained professional. Give your immune the boost it needs today.

Maria Ensabella