Let LondonCryo help get rid of your double chin!


As we age, our skin loses its elasticity and becomes thinner which unfortunately leads to saggy skin. Jowls, which is saggy skin around the jaw, are more pronounced on people who have less fat or collagen under their chin and cheeks. Although they are more prominent in older adults, individuals in their twenties or even younger may develop jowls due to various environmental, genetic, and physiological factors including:


Whilst weight may be a common reason behind having extra fat on the chin, some still appear to be healthy otherwise. It is most likely a family history contributed to their double chin.


Overtime, your posture can weaken the muscles in your neck and chin. If the muscles are not used regularly, the skin in that region loses suppleness.


Proteins such as collagen and elastin are in charge of maintaining your skin, however as you age your skin weakens. Over time, your body generates less of these proteins, leading in skin sagging especially under the jaw.

Regardless of what causes your double chin, it is treatable.  We've put together our best solutions for sagging facial skin below.

CryoSkin Double Chin

CryoSkin Double Chin is an effective, painless, and non-surgical solution for chin reduction. The combination of CryoSlimming, which destroys fat cells, and CryoToning, which tones and lifts the area, is a powerhouse and straightforward combination to lose fat and re-define the jawline.


Lymphatic Drainage Facial

A lymphatic drainage facial massage is a great way to relieve tension in the jaw, tone and lift the muscles, so your skin appears lifted and your double chin less pronounced. As we have many lymph nodes along our jaw line, performing a lymphatic drainage massage in circular motions increases the blood flow, which in turn increases the amount of oxygen and nutrients reaching the skin, and boosting collagen production.

Fat Burner Shot

Designed for those on-the-go, this quick and painless intramuscular injection can help with weight loss, when combined with a healthy diet and regular exercise. It boosts levels of essential amino acids and vitamins, and can help increase metabolism, reduce fat tissue, and sustain and increase energy levels.

Lifestyle adjustments, such as changing your diet and forming the habit of regular exercise, can improve your general health, while also reducing fat in places such as the chin. Moreover, make sure to incorporate additional fruits, vegetables, and lean meat in your diet whilst cutting back on sweets, fried meals, and processed foods.

Regardless of how you got your double chin, remember that you have options to achieve your desired look.

At LondonCryo, we take a holistic approach to wellness and recovery. Our founder Maria Ensabella and other members of our team discuss your concerns and goals and recommend treatment approach to ensure the best results.

If you’re ready to discover whether cryotherapy is right for you, contact us to schedule an appointment.

You can find all of our services at our three locations:

All our services, including whole-body cryotherapy, infrared saunas and lymphatic drainage, red light photobiomodulation , compression therapy, Cryofacials, slimming, toning and double chin services are all available to book in our locations – LondonCryo City (located in Liverpool Street in London) and LondonCryo Belgravia (situated near the suburbs of Chelsea) and coming very soon to St Johns Wood High Street, St Johns Wood.