Cryotherapy, recovery and digital detox!


Cryotherapy is perfect for all of your recovery needs. You might expect it to help with physical ailments but did you know it can also help with mental recovery, assisting with stress and even emotional upset?

Cryotherapy also provides some much-needed time away from your phone and other digital devices. It’s a new year and a new decade and ‘digital detox’ is a hot topic - we’re here to help!

Whole Body Cryo only lasts three minutes which isn’t long without your phone, but I would encourage you to build on that. I like to make cryotherapy my ‘Maria time’ – three minutes of cryo, then 45 minutes in the Infrared Sauna with a good book, followed by 45 minutes on the Body Ballancer for lymphatic drainage. I like to joke that I’m going to live to 100 with this schedule!

If you can’t manage all three treatments then maybe grab your much-needed ‘me time’ by keeping your phone off, or at least on silent, while you travel home or back to the office. Let LondonCryo help you to feel relaxed, rejuvenated and ready to fully take on the new decade.

Running a business is stressful, children are stressful, life is stressful - it’s so important to take time to switch off and to let your brain refresh itself. We worry about tech-addicted Millennials but let’s be honest, Gen X and Baby Boomers are just as bad! When was the last time you got on the Tube and weren’t greeted by a carriage full of people with their heads bent over their phones? Have you heard of Tech Neck? It’s a real thing! The stress you put on your spine by looking down at your phone causes soreness, spasms, headache and even wrinkles. That’s before we even consider the eye strain, wrist strain, insomnia, anxiety, and so on.

Plus, what are you missing by being connected all the time? You might not miss that last Insta post but are you missing something a loved one is doing because you’re looking down? How often do you see parents ignoring their children because they are looking at their phones instead of their children? Look, I can offer you all kinds of treatments to make you look and feel better, but I can’t get you time with your kids back, that’s up to you.

But, I get it — after all I’m a businesswoman and LondonCryo’s social media profile is important to the business. I’m also a mum to two young children, so I not only need my phone for work situations, but also in case the school calls because my son got hit on the head with a football.

I am by no means suggesting a return to the Dark Ages, (or even the early 90’s for that matter), but we all need a break from the constant plugged-in lifestyle. My easy tip for a digital detox is simply turn off your alerts for those unimportant apps. Do you need to know that someone has liked the photo of your dinner? Sure, you’ll get a hit of dopamine from those likes, but you can also get that with cryo, sauna, or even better, a hug from someone you love.

Maria Ensabella