Does lymphatic drainage treatment help with hormonal acne?

At LondonCryo we offer many treatments for wellness and recovery. One of our popular treatments is lymphatic drainage and it is asked about quite a lot. Today we are going to take a look at the treatment in more detail, in particular the effects it has on hormonal acne. 

Lymphatic drainage

What is Lymphatic Drainage?

Before we get into if and how this treatment helps with acne, we want to briefly summarise what it is.

Lymphatic drainage treatments help the lymph fluid move around in your body. The fluid helps to remove toxins and waste from bodily tissues. However, due to certain conditions, the fluid can build up. The therapy itself involves a gentle massage and this is used to encourage movement deep in the body. 

Does this treatment help with hormonal acne?

To put it simply yes it does. 

Acne can be caused by your body trying to cope with excess toxins and hormones. When the lymph system is blocked and fluid is building then your skin can be what suffers. As the toxins are stuck under the skin around the neck and jawline it can cause large breakouts of acne. 

You can add things to your skincare routine and you can increase your water intake to help with breakouts but you can also try lymphatic drainage massage. When the skin is gently massaged it will change the direction of the lymph flow, and it removes any build-up and it moves the toxins away from the skin around the neck and jawline. 

The treatment also helps to remove hormones from the lymphatic fluid and it is often advised to those who are trying to regulate their hormones.  

What results can you see and how often should you go for the treatment?

Each person is different, but straight after the procedure, you will feel more relaxed. It can take one or two days for the fluid to drain, but it does vary. As the blood circulation will be improved around your face, then you will notice a better complexion, and your skin will look brighter.  

If you are wondering how often you should go for the treatment, this again depends on the person. However, generally, it can be once or twice every three months. For the ladies, it is beneficial for you to have your message just before or after your period as this is when the toxins are more frequent due to the hormonal change.

 Can you have this procedure while pregnant? 

We thought it was important to cover this because many women experience acne during pregnancy because of an increase in hormones. You can have the procedure done, and it can help with other symptoms you are experiencing. 

The lymphatic drainage at LondonCryo 

We offer Lymphatic drainage across London. You can choose from different treatments including Manual Lymphatic Drainage Massage, and more. Some of the treatments can also be enjoyed in your own home because we also offer the Lymphatic Drainage Tool. Have a look at our services and book your treatment today. You can contact our friendly team if you have any questions about this treatment or any other.