Returning to the gym - guest blog by BOXD


We’ve teamed up with our friends at BOXD to bring you up to speed as we sit on the cusp of gyms finally  re-opening for (hopefully!) good. BOXD is a wellness shake bursting with protein, vitamins, minerals and natural ingredients, simplifying your route to a healthy nutrition through pre-measured, pocket-sized sachets that make preparation anywhere, a breeze.

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Returning to the gym? Here’s a few things to remember


The gym seems like a distant memory right now, and although we know that some of you have been absolutely crushing the home workouts, for others, April 12th couldn’t come soon enough. Now before we all rush back (believe me, we’ll be one of the first!), we may have fallen out of practice with some habits, and there may be new habits we need to learn to keep ourselves and others safe. So here are a few tips and bits of advice to ensure that you are fully prepared for your return to the gyms and classes.


Set yourself some goals

Setting a goal doesn’t have to be to lose weight, but it is always good to know what direction you are going in. Do you want to put on muscle? Are you trying to stay active for your mental health? Do you need to exercise to maintain posture? Any of these are great goals to have, and once you’ve established that goal, you can determine what exercise is best for your goal and how frequently you will need to go.


Book your classes well in advance

With gyms opening soon, that means face-to-face classes will be making a return too (probably socially distanced at first). Now remember that time when you’ve gone shopping (another distant memory) and there was that popular item that everyone wanted and it sold out in the first few hours. Now did everyone just forget about it? No. In fact, it made them want it even more. This is what’s going to happen with classes and personal training sessions. People will book in fast, so try if you have a plan, then you know you can book your sessions well in advance too.


Warm up and cool down

I know this may hurt some people to hear, but you’re probably not as strong as you were. It’s always good practise to warm up and cool down before going into any workout, but it is especially important now that our muscles are probaby not used to the movements we used to be pros at. Be sure to add something light and some stretching before and after your sessions.


Get your kit on

Some will already have all we need to get back into a gym session, but the rest of us may need a bit of a top up with our gym gear. Do you have your trainers? Water bottle? Supplements? Gym bag? Headphones to drown out all the grunting? All of these are essential to get through a gym workout! And if you can, a mask will give you a little extra protection! Speaking of protection…


Sanitised hands, sanitised life

If you’re like us, and feel that the sanitisers in gyms, bars, restaurants wasn’t strong enough (before lockdown pt 3), then for peace of mind, just bring your own, you won’t regret it! And just remember to clean the kit you use! Nothing worse that picking up someone’s sweaty weights!

Keep these tips in mind, and hopefully your transition back into the gym will be seamless, and we can all start smashing those goals together!

Maria Ensabella