What are the health benefits of Lymphatic drainage massage?


Lymphatic drainage massage is a popular treatment for general health, specific conditions and for weight loss. Consisting of a network of tiny tubes called lymph vessels - lymph nodes (or glands) run throughout the body and help eliminate bodily toxins, waste products, infections, bacteria and cancerous cells.

The lymphatic system is an important part of the immune system which works like a third circulation system, so of it gets blocked it can cause problems. If you’re feeling groggy, unwell, storing excess weight, suffering from insomnia, mood swings, or getting sick often, your lymphatic system may be a little sluggish.

Lymphatic drainage massage is suitable for everybody as it is a very gentle form of massage which encourages the circulation of lymph fluid which helps remove toxins from the body. Lymphatic drainage massages can benefit people with many different conditions including lymphedema, fibromyalgia, and many other conditions as well as those who enjoy bodywork for their general health and wellbeing.


Several studies have shown that lymphatic drainage massage can help treat and manage the pain of Fibromyalgia. The rhythmic and gentle skin stretching techniques involved helps reduce pain and stiffness in sufferers and also helps improve their quality of sleep and general health. Lymphatic drainage massage has also been shown to help improve the recovery of Chronic Fatigue sufferers who suffer from many of the same debilitating symptoms as Fibromyalgia sufferers.


Procedures that affect or remove your lymph nodes can cause lymphedema in the area near where you’ve had surgery as a side effect. Lymphatic drainage massage can help move waste fluids away from the damaged area and reduce lymphedema.


Massage is highly relaxing for body and mind, a mere 60-minute massage has been shown to have similar effects on the body to a full night of sleep. If you’re struggling to get to sleep booking yourself in for a lymphatic drainage massage can help release some of the muscle tension which can lead to a better night’s sleep.

Digestive issues

One of the side effects of slow lymphatic flow is constipation, bloating and discomfort. Lymphatic drainage massage is highly effective at treating and relieving these symptoms and kick-start healthy digestion. Lymphatic drainage also improves circulation, relaxes the body and combats localized fat. Many clients report a more defined waist and loss of a few pound after their massage.

Better skin

Some studies have shown that having a damaged lymphatic drainage system can result in the appearance of dull and sagging skin. Lymphatic drainage massage can help reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and bags under the eyes and act almost as a non-surgical facelift as skin will appear tighter and more radiant.

Please note - people who have congestive heart failure, blood clots, kidney problems, infections, or circulation problems should avoid lymphatic drainage massage. If a person has any medical conditions, they should consult their doctor before undergoing lymphatic massage treatment.