The Benefits of Whole Body Vibration Therapy


What is Whole Body Vibration Therapy?

Originally developed by scientists as a way of helping astronauts maintain muscle tissue and bone density whilst in space, whole body vibration therapy has become accessible in recent years for the general public and is one of the most exciting innovations for anyone interested in improving their health and wellbeing.

Whole body vibration therapy or (WBV) involves standing on a platform which vibrates when switched on. You can either stand, sit, stretch or do other exercises suitable for on the spot whilst the platform vibrates. The vibrations stimulate muscle contractions which gives your muscles a workout. Different types of vibrations, either up and down or in a ‘teeter-totter’ motion are typically employed at high frequencies. Current research suggests that most people get more benefits from exercise in a shorter time when using vibration therapy. There are also a whole host of other fantastic health benefits including:

Weight loss

One study by the European Association for the Study of Obesity demonstrated that overweight women achieve, and most importantly maintain, significant weight loss results through a healthy diet and short workouts on a vibration plate.

Vibration therapy is beneficial for anyone looking to lose weight as it helps reduce the amount of dangerous fat stored around the abdominals which is linked to diabetes, heart disease and other health conditions. Whole body vibration therapy also increases muscle mass and energy expenditure, leading to better control over blood sugar levels.

Improved bone density

As we age we suffer a decline in bone density which can make bones more fragile. Recent research suggests that vibration therapy may help keep bones strong by stimulating bone formation and strength. Vibration therapy has also been shown to improve leg muscle strength in older adults. Whole body vibration therapy has also been recommended by researchers for young women who want to reduce their risk of developing osteoporosis later in life. 

Improved athletic performance

If you want to get stronger and fitter quicker, whole body vibration machines can help give your performance the edge. Research has found that various athletes as diverse as sprinters, divers and Mixed Martial Art Fighters all perform better when incorporating vibration into their workouts.

Whole body vibration therapy is great for those pressed for time as short workouts performed with whole body vibration can achieve the same results of a longer workout performed without vibration. Research has even shown that standing, sitting or lying still on a vibration platform daily can mimic the results of exercise which is perfect for those who are unable to work out.

Reduced back pain

In 2011 research into whole body vibration machines and back pain relief found that the use of vibration plates helped to reduce back pain. If you suffer from lower back pain or sciatica it’s important to start out with short vibration sessions at a low vibration setting and gradually increase the frequency and length of your sessions working in consultation with a WBV professional and to follow up the treatment with exercises for low back pain and sciatica.

Helps chronic illness

One study reported that vibration therapy may be of help to people suffering from Parkinson’s disease. It has been shown to decrease muscle tremors and rigidity though more research is needed on the long-term effects. Similarly, there is some initial positive research into the beneficial effects of whole body vibration therapy for people with Multiple Sclerosis. After 3 months of treatment MS patients showed small improvements after both exercise alone and exercise with whole body vibration. Participants found they had fewer spasms at night, slept better and found it easier to climb stairs and had better feeling in their feet.

 Improved muscle strength

Recent research has indicated that whole-body vibration therapy may help prevent muscle soreness after exercise. The vibration signals are transferred into body tissues, tendons and muscles, which increases muscle contractions and ultimately improves muscle strength, co-ordination and balance which is important for avoiding injury in later life.

Book a treatment now 

More and more research is demonstrating the benefits of whole body vibration therapy for people of all ages. It’s the perfect addition to your regime for busy people trying get the most from their workouts, professional athletes wanting to improve their performance and anyone suffering from mobility issues or health concerns, as well as those who want to prevent future conditions. It can also be immensely helpful for older people who are unable to exercise regularly. 

Interested in finding about how whole body vibration therapy can help you? At London Cryo, we can combine your Whole Body Vibration treatment with our Red Light Therapy for a holistic treatment to maximise your wellbeing and performance.

Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us at or 0203 371 8900 if you have any questions or if you’d like any further information, we’re happy to help.