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Wellness Goals for 2021

As we get ready to turn our back finally on 2020 have you set your wellness goals for 2021?

This year has been so hard due to all the challenges of COVID-19 and the changes we have all had to make to the way we live our lives. From not being able to travel, seeing friends regularly, stuck at the ‘new’ office desk at home, to the worries about friends and families mental and physical health, its been such a difficult year. 

But it is time to look forward and focus on the year ahead, as we hopefully can get back to a new normal from spring 2021 onwards. Thinking about one or two wellness goals you can commit to will make such a difference to your health and happiness. 

One of my goals is going be getting more quality sleep each day. Sleep is essential because of its wide-ranging benefits of physical and mental health, what LondonCryo is all about. Quality sleep will:

* support an effective immune system

* heighten brain function

* enhance mood and energy levels

* improve mental health

Whole Body Cryotherapy (WBC) at LondonCryo has been shown to improve sleep and lessen fatigue. Just like exercise it has a positive impact on sleep patterns by releasing endorphins, as does cryotherapy, in fact many of our clients gleefully tell us how much better they sleep since starting WBC.

Why WBC helps promote a more restful sleep:

•  Cryotherapy gives more energy during the day so you’re more active, thus more tired at night

•  Since Whole Body Cryotherapy takes helps to control pain and even prevent it, you are able to exercise more

•  Both WBC and exercise release endorphins — which not only make you feel good, but also help with sleep 

•  Cryo just makes you feel good and when you feel good, you sleep better

Another one of my wellness goals for 2021 is to sign up to races again.  Some of you may also be looking to sign up again for races or improve our performance in a sport or reach goal in yoga or Piilates. 

I love running and my goals next year are to complete the @asics 10k, the Lndon landmarks half marathon and the big one, the London Marathon. So alongside my regular training, recovery is key as well and just as important! 

One thing I will be doing to help my recovery is Lymphatic drainage. Lymphatic drainage can benefit us all whatever our sport or age.

It helps recovery by accelerating the evacuation of fluids and waste products and reduces inflammation, too. A healthy lymph system is key to feeling great and recovering from a training session. 

After a workout or run, fluid can pool in lymph vessels making us feel tired, worn out and increasing the risk of injury. As the lymph system does not have its own pump, the quicker you can move out the waste products and stagnant fluid, the quicker you will recover. 

So help meet your training and lifestyle goals and speed your recovery time by investing in Lymphatic drainage.

To book call us on 0203 371 8900 ext 2 or email

Let us know your wellness goal for 2021 and how you get on!