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Cryotherapy for longevity and wellness

When people think of cryotherapy many assume it’s just for young athletes but it has numerous benefits for the older generation. Life expectancies are increasing by two years each decade and never has it been more important for people to stay on top of their health and wellbeing. The ability to live in full health is in demand more than ever and those that age badly are more susceptible to disease.

It is no surprise that wellness, health and leisure are heavily interwoven – cryotherapy is the ideal catch-all for making people of all ages feel and look their best. It is widely known that inflammation is the enemy of our health – sedentary lives, stress and eating badly increases inflammation and in turn reduces the body’s defence mechanisms. Whole Body Cryotherapy stops this inflammation and promotes self-healing.


Whole Body Cryotherapy causes a reduction of temperature which causes a shock to the body and, in turn, activates the nervous system. During this extreme cold, blood vessels constrict and blood flow is reduced. Once leaving the chamber blood vessels expand and blood rushes to areas in need, helping with inflammation and leading to an increased presence of anti-inflammatory proteins. For the older generation this is ideal for any areas of pain or injury.

Anti-ageing, cellulite and slimming

Just 3 minutes of Whole Body Cryotherapy counteracts free radicals, boosts the immune system, slows cellular degeneration and stimulates the production of collagen and elastin. It improves circulation, reduces signs of capillaries and varicose veins, fights the imperfections of cellulite and makes skin more toned. By accelerating the metabolism, cryotherapy can also burn 700 kcal in one treatment – ideal for those that struggle to lose weight through dieting and exercise alone.

Heart, bone and brain health

Cryotherapy improves microcirculation which helps with the cardiovascular system as well as improving skin tone. It also significantly reduces pain in people with arthritis and leads to the ability for people to have more thorough physiotherapy and occupational therapy. It is also theorised that whole body cryotherapy could help prevent Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia. It’s thought this could be an effective treatment because the anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory effects of cryotherapy could help combat the inflammatory and oxidative stress responses that occur with Alzheimer’s.

Whether you’re a 20-something professional athlete looking to recover from an injury, or an older person that would like to improve skin tone, decrease pain or help with a long-standing condition, cryotherapy really could be what you need. The short length of treatment (just 3 minutes) makes it ideal for people both with busy lifestyles and sensitive to long medical sessions. Get in touch with LondonCryo to see how we can help you and tailor a treatment plan to meet your needs.